
Call Me

Now you can call me for free anytime. There is a link at the bottom of every page that looks like this: It’s a way for you to call through google. It will connect you to me at anytime. Go ahead and give it a try, I look forward to hearing from you. Note: I’m [...]

FLOOD!! Water Everywhere

I walked into the place where I’m staying in Bali to find water all over the floor. It’s a friend’s apartment, so of course I wanted to get things cleaned up, I had a bit of experience with water damage when I was working construction. Let me tell you, it’s no fun. But, before I [...]

Heading Back December 4

Greetings all, My Bali days are now numbered. I have to return or lose my ticket. There are other reasons to head back to California too, so I’m off on December 4. I arrive the same day and head to a friend’s house in Santa Rosa to recover for a couple of days. Then I [...]

I thought I would write a short personal note from time to time. Today seemed like a good time since I wasn’t able to post yesterday because of the poor internet connection here in Bali. I have been here for some time working on a book that I hope to release soon. I have also [...]