
Junk Food Almost Killed Me

Another email came in today from someone happy to find information about adrenal fatigue. She was looking for something for her husband because he was having so many problems — 35 of the 50 symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

Bali Isn’t Really So Bad

I was a bit too negative about Bali yesterday. So, I thought I’d write about some of the good things about Bali, and try to get in a health tip. From the emails I got it looks like I was a bit too negative about Bali yesterday. So, I thought I’d write about some of [...]

10 Health Myths

Here are ten health myths and what is wrong with them. Myth #1: Saturated Fat is Bad The fact is that saturated fats are a necessary part of a healthy diet. The issue is the ratio of saturated fats to omega three fats. People eat too much saturated fats and not enough fish, the main [...]

Starting a Walking Routine

Walking could be called the best exercise in there is. The human body is designed to walk long distances. Studies show that walking improves overall health and vitality. Furthermore, it has been shown to help prevent disease including cancer and heart disease as well as numerous other health benefits. Walking is in Our Genes Our [...]