junk food

Coca Cola can be Deadly

An interesting story was released yesterday about a 30 year old woman who drank 7 liters of coca cola a day, that’s almost two gallons, that lead to her death. It really is too bad that most people don’t really know much about health and what causes disease. Even the simple fact about how bad sugar [...]

Junk Food Almost Killed Me

Another email came in today from someone happy to find information about adrenal fatigue. She was looking for something for her husband because he was having so many problems — 35 of the 50 symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

Sugar Causes Heart Disease

There is a lot of misinformation out about what causes heart disease. Fat and cholesterol are still supposed to be the big bad guys while studies prove that is not the case. While certain other dietary factors do contribute, sugar and processed foods are the initiators of coronary heart disease. Here’s what junk food does [...]