Weight Loss

My new book is finally out! It’s called “Eliminate Fat Hormones for Weight Loss and Health –Lose Weight and Prevent Cancer with Supplements.” A very promising title, but it delivers. It’s about how the liver detoxes hormones that can cause fat to deposit. The same hormones can prevent the body from shedding those pounds. The [...]

10 Health Myths

Here are ten health myths and what is wrong with them. Myth #1: Saturated Fat is Bad The fact is that saturated fats are a necessary part of a healthy diet. The issue is the ratio of saturated fats to omega three fats. People eat too much saturated fats and not enough fish, the main [...]

Weight loss, weight loss, everybody writes about weight loss. Different diets, cleanses, expensive pre-measured food… Whole books on weight loss. Well, enough! I am going to tell you in this one short article all you need to know about weight loss. From the simple chemistry of Biology 2110, to the little known liver functions that [...]