Healing Techniques

How to Alkalize Your Body

Having a less acidic body is something that everyone should desire. A healthy body is slightly acidic overall. Getting that way is not hard, but it isn’t done with what you eat which is what most people think. A little biochemistry, simplified of course, tells you how to alkalize your body the right way. One [...]

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy is one of the best methods of reducing or eliminating body aches and pains that I know of. In fact, I can get just about anyone out of pain with a combination of trigger point therapy and my gentle adjusting methods. Let’s explore what trigger points are and how to eliminate them. [...]

How To Find What Ails You

Quite a few questions come in from people who have some intense issue with varying symptoms. There is one thing that I can recommend to almost everyone as a way of finding their way back to health: find out what food you are sensitive to. Here’s how you figure that out. Find The Problem The [...]

Soft Tissue Injury

Soft tissue injury is a major cause of physical debilitation for a lot of people. One of the main reasons for this is re-injury, injuring the same area before it has fully healed. Knowing how to heal injuries completely, can help you avoid a long healing process. Back pain issues apply to this category, but [...]

Today I got an email asking about a particular point of view that is held by some schools of chiropractic thought. Let me have the writer pose the question. “Hey Kalidasa, Thank you for the fast response. You seem like a very knowledgeable person. I was curious to see what you thought about what my [...]

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