Applied Kinnesiology

Today I am starting a series on how I do healing work, my general approach and the things that most people tend to need in order to heal. Some of what is involved is controversial, but much of it has a basis in biochemistry. And, I will discuss the modalities that I use, there are several.

In part one, How to Muscle Test, the basics of how to do a muscle test were covered. How muscle testing works is covered here in part two. Future articles will cover how to insure an accurate test and how to self test. At first glance muscle testing doesn’t seem very scientific. It appears to [...]

How to Muscle Test

Muscle testing is a diagnostic tool that relies on the body’s innate intelligence. When practiced by an accomplished muscle tester it is a good way to find out what is going on in the body. This article contains the basics of how to do a muscle test. Muscle testing is not hard to do, however [...]