Back Pain

One of the biggest health crises facing Americans today is addiction to prescription pain medication which are killing thousands every year. Prescription drugs cause most of the 26,000 fatal overdoses every year. This startling information comes from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

So many people ask me about their health issues on my site that I am going to start offering a health consultation service soon. Special rates for subscribers. Over the last few weeks I have gotten a lot of emails and comments on the blog asking for help with specific health issues that people have. [...]

The right technique is needed in order to insure a good release of these tight muscle. The right trigger point or points must be found, the right pressure applied for the right amount of time. Otherwise the release won’t be as complete if achieved at all.

Lower back pain is a widespread ailment that affects millions of people worldwide. Just about everyone has some incident of lower back pain at some time in his or her life. According to the National Institutes of Health, the only thing more common than back pain is the headache.

Lower back pain is a prevalent disorder that affects millions of people. Virtually everyone has lower back pain at some time in their lives. According to the National Institutes of Health, the only thing more common than back pain is the headache. The best approach to treat back pain is to prevent it from happening [...]

Question:  I am a 60 yr old triathlete who ALWAYS has a problem with lower back/hips/shoulders, etc.  I am currently seeing a massage therapist, who seems to have gotten a hold on my pain issues.  Both the light/eye test and the blood pressure test were negative.  Should I still do the supplements and watch my sugar intake?

Yesterday I had a little mishap with my back. This doesn’t happen very often to me because I know how to deal with all kinds of back pain. Also, my diet is excellent, and diet is one of the main contributors to lower back pain. In the worst case, if I do experience back pain, I can usually alleviate it in a very quickly.

40 Causes Of Back Pain

Back pain causes are varied with many different possible causes of back pain, some of which are very serious. This site has been mostly dedicated to the common back pain issues, the ones that most people experience. However, I often get asked about other causes of back pain.

Soft Tissue Injury

Soft tissue injury is a major cause of physical debilitation for a lot of people. One of the main reasons for this is re-injury, injuring the same area before it has fully healed. Knowing how to heal injuries completely, can help you avoid a long healing process. Back pain issues apply to this category, but [...]

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