
Stress and Inflammation

Stress has recently been linked to inflammation in this article on Science News about stress and inflammation. http://www.sciencenewsdigital.org/sciencenews/20120225?pg=11#pg11 When looked at biochemically it is obvious that stress is the number one health issue today because it leads to so many ailments. I’ll go into that in a minute. Don’t worry,it’s pretty simple. Recent science has [...]

After the article on the fight or flight response came out I started getting requests for more information on how I release that from the body. Great questions. What is the fight or flight response? To review, the fight or flight response is an instinctual and physical reaction to a threat. This was very important [...]

Let’s look at how to cure insomnia naturally. This is going to step on a few toes, so be forewarned, I’m going to debunk a few pretty solid ideas that people and even most doctors think believe about how the human body works. First of all, humans are naturally meant to sleep a lot more [...]

Lower back pain is so common today as to be staggering. There are several possible causes, but one stands out as the most common. Lets look at some common causes of lower back pain and what treatment they require. One way to think about lower back pain is that the body has something wrong with [...]

Fight or flight is an instinctual response to threats. How this keeps you in disease and how to reverse the problem is of highest importance. You simply cannot get healthy when your body is revved up ready to run or fight all the time. The instinct of fight or flight causes some serious biochemical changes [...]

One of the reasons I write so much about adrenal fatigue is because it almost killed me. Yep, I almost died from the reactions my body had to this all too common condition. Let me tell you what happened. That’s the adrenal glands in the photo above. They are walnut sized glands that sit on [...]

Holistic Back Pain Relief

Here’s an article on back pain relief using holistic methods. This is a good idea since the medical model is much less likely to work. Not to mention the side effects of drugs and surgery which are the main methods used by doctors. The article covers several different methods from taking a break to massage, [...]

The medical community continues to look for solutions to lower back pain, and they continue to fail. Here’s part of an article from the Doctors Lounge. “Ultrasound, Shock Wave Not Effective for Low Back Pain The available evidence does not support the effectiveness of ultrasound or shock wave for treating low back pain, according to [...]

Yesterday the Japanese increased their nuclear reactor crises to level 7, the highest there is, equal to Chernobyl.  The reason for this increase is the amount of radiation released into the environment. I gave some recommendations in this article on minimizing radiation risks. The worst part of this story is how the Japanese and US governments have [...]

The FDA is looking at food dyes to see if there is a connection to hyperactivity in children. What a joke! The dyes may or may not cause problems themselves, but there is a reason for deeper concern. What food dyes really do is make junk food more appealing to children. Childhood obesity is the [...]

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