Inflammation and Your Health

The primary cause of all health problems is inflammation. Decreasing that inflammation is one of the most important things you can do for your health. This is also essential in preventing problems from beginning.

Health problems that a good anti-inflammatory can help include cancer, heart disease, depression, acne, diabetes, arthritis, auto immune issues, degenerative issues and just about anything else you can think of.

There are a lot of things you can do to help relieve inflammation. One of the most important is diet. However, avoiding foods that cause inflammation can be hard though.

One of the main things to avoid is sugar. Sugar is such an addictive drug that most people find it nearly impossible to give up. Then there’s the sugar forming foods like bread and pasta, basically any ground up grain.

While eliminating these foods is the best thing people can do for their health, most people can at least reduce them. Start by greatly reducing sugar and some ground up grains. Continue decreasing them over time. How much better you feel without them will help encourage you to continue.

The other way is to go cold turkey. That is actually easier in the long run, though much much harder at first. There are techniques that help, but mainly it takes will power. The first few days are the hardest, and after a month or so all cravings are usually gone.

Another thing you can do for inflammation is to take supplements and herbs that naturally reduce it. One of the best is turmeric.

You could just go to the store and buy some turmeric and take it in its natural state. It’s good in a tea, over food or even straight. But, you would be missing out if you did.

First, turmeric works much better with another herb; black pepper. That is a good way to take it, but there is better.

Curcumin is the main component in turmeric that aids in lowering inflammation. So, a supplement with a good concentration of curcumin is even better. And, the main part of pepper that helps with absorption is piperine. A combination of them both is ideal.

I did a lot of research and found one of the best forms of curcumin and piperine as well as other nutrients that are the absolute best at decreasing inflammation. It’s called Curcumin 2000, and you can get it here

You can get one or more bottles of it at that site. The more you get, the more you save. But, I’m sure once you’ve taken even one bottle worth consistently that you will notice a difference in any area you have pain or inflammation, whatever the cause.

One of the best things you can do for your health and longevity is to reduce inflammation. Diet and herbs like turmeric/curcumin are the best ways to do this. Get the best herbal combination with curcumin today for a long and healthy life.


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Meet the Author


Hello and welcome to my blog! There are several reasons I decided to start writing a blog on natural self-healing. The main thing I want to do is to share information on health and healing so that people can take action to heal themselves using natural techniques. I have met so many people who couldn't afford natural health care. They may have had health insurance, but they didn't trust that model. Many people want to know how to be healthy naturally. They want to know what really works and what doesn't. They want to be health conscious and often fail because of poor information, lack of knowledge, bad science and other factors. This blog is intended to help demystify the body and its various functions and to help people understand what is really needed to obtain optimum health. One of the great things about knowledge of the body is that once you know and understand how it works it becomes easy to know what the right things to do for it. And, it is much easier to do the right things when the consequences of the wrong things are fully understood. To do this I will be drawing from the knowledge of many people that I have learned from. I will talk about biochemistry relating that to what is needed to obtain optimum health. There will be information about the physical structure of the body and how to keep that aligned and functioning well. A major part of yoga has to do with health, so information about yogic techniques will be included. Mental and emotional health are important for the health of the body/mind, so articles about these topics will be included. And, there will be an occasional article about me and what I am up to. Hopefully I can relate that back to some health issue as well. The title Self Adjusting Technique comes from my technique for self-adjusting the structural part of the body, that is adjusting the body's various vertebrae and joints. For this blog it will include the idea of how to adjust health issues for yourself and those you care about. With a little knowledge there is a lot people can do to help heal themselves and stay healthy. I want to explain complex information about the body in a way that is easy to understand and useful. The comments section will help in that goal as people can ask for clarification if there is something they don't understand. And maybe we can get some helpful input from people smarter than me that will benefit us all. I hope you find information that can help you with your health issues. Kalidasa

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