
Starting a Walking Routine

Walking could be called the best exercise in there is. The human body is designed to walk long distances. Studies show that walking improves overall health and vitality. Furthermore, it has been shown to help prevent disease including cancer and heart disease as well as numerous other health benefits. Walking is in Our Genes Our [...]

Weight loss, weight loss, everybody writes about weight loss. Different diets, cleanses, expensive pre-measured food… Whole books on weight loss. Well, enough! I am going to tell you in this one short article all you need to know about weight loss. From the simple chemistry of Biology 2110, to the little known liver functions that [...]

I get asked this question often, and the answer is simple and quick: Because it is POISON! I don’t eat sugar. I have had my problems quitting it. I don’t know how many times I quit for some period of time ranging from weeks to months. Once, when I was about 20, I quit for [...]


I have been involved with different types of natural healing my entire life. I started my studies shortly after finishing high school. For three years I lived in situations where I was able to study and practice various spiritual, mental and physical techniques. It started with enlightenment work. I fell in love with a retreat [...]

Yesterday Susan asked an excellent question. I started writing a reply, but it just got longer and longer until it became its own article. I tried to keep it short, but a major problem I have with this work is that there are so many factors that tie together that this seems impossible. I tried [...]

Heading Back December 4

Greetings all, My Bali days are now numbered. I have to return or lose my ticket. There are other reasons to head back to California too, so I’m off on December 4. I arrive the same day and head to a friend’s house in Santa Rosa to recover for a couple of days. Then I [...]

Why do weakened adrenals cause so many problems? What mechanisms are involved and how does this lead to so many major health issues? In this article we’ll look at some of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue and how low adrenal function is the cause. Insomnia and Sleep Issues Almost every sleep issue is an adrenal [...]

Some of the sickest people I have ever met thought they were exceptionally healthy, except for all those pesky symptoms. They had been following this or that fad diet and were sure it was right for them. Or, they were vegetarians or vegans who really weren’t — it turned out that they were really bagelarians! [...]

Lower back pain is one of the most common physical complaints today. In fact, nine out of ten Americans will experience back pain sometime in their life. There are many causes of low back pain, but one surprising cause is a tight muscle that is the deepest in the body, the psoas. The best relief [...]

In part one, How to Muscle Test, the basics of how to do a muscle test were covered. How muscle testing works is covered here in part two. Future articles will cover how to insure an accurate test and how to self test. At first glance muscle testing doesn’t seem very scientific. It appears to [...]

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