
Chiropractic Neck Adjustment I saw this headline from the BBC today, happened in York, England. It reads: Man ‘broke neck during chiropractor treatment.’ This can NEVER happen with Self Adjusting Technique. In partial defense of the chiropractor, there was an accident where the table failed somehow, and collapsed or partly collapsed. Also, the man was [...]

Energy Healing Phone Sessions The primary healing modality I use is called Applied Kinesiology. I also use nutrition, whole food supplements and nutriceuticals. There are also several methods that I have developed over the years. With all that, one technique I learned almost 20 years ago made a huge difference in the work I do.  Applied Kinesiology (AK) is [...]

Sessions With Kalidasa

Kalidasa Readers of my blog know I have been writing and practicing holistic healing for several years now. I’ve been very lucky with some amazing teachers and opportunities that have helped improve my ability to help people. While I have continued to practice over the last few years, it has been on a smaller level [...]

Yoga for Hip Pain

There is a lot of yoga for hip pain available, but what is the best for your particular hip pain? And, is yoga absolutely the best thing for your particular issue? What really needs to be understood is the root cause of your pain. Once that is discovered the treatment becomes almost obvious to someone [...]

Waking Up With Neck Pain

Have you ever woken up with a stiff neck? You somehow slept crooked and now your neck hurts. You could suffer with it till it gets better, it usually does. Or, you could simply fix it yourself and be pain free in literally seconds. I remember waking up with neck pain, especially when I was [...]

Adrenal Fatigue Book

Adrenal fatigue is the hidden ailment. Hidden because doctors don’t know about it! The chances are that you have checked out the 50 symptoms of adrenal fatigue, or at least the 30 adrenal symptoms in the article. Chances are also good that you have several of those symptoms. It is truly a shame that doctors [...] Are your hormones keeping you from losing weight? We all know about cortisol’s effect on weight, but estrogen is actually the primary hormone that causes fat to deposit; the more estrogen, the more fat. After hormones do their job they need to be eliminated. They are made water soluble in the liver, then they [...] Are your hormones keeping you from losing weight? We all know about cortisol’s effect on weight, but estrogen is actually the primary hormone that causes fat to deposit; the more estrogen, the more fat. After hormones do their job they need to be eliminated. They are made water soluble in the liver, then they [...]

Yoga for the Psoas

The psoas muscle is the deepest muscle in the body. It starts at the inner lower spine moving through the lower torso to the inside of the hips, wraps around the upper thigh bone and attaches to the upper inner thigh. It is the only muscle that connects the upper and lower body. Its function is [...]

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