back pain relief

40 Causes Of Back Pain

Back pain causes are varied with many different possible causes of back pain, some of which are very serious. This site has been mostly dedicated to the common back pain issues, the ones that most people experience. However, I often get asked about other causes of back pain.

If you have back pain you are in the majority — 80 to 90 percent of everyone will experience back pain at some point in their life, depending on which statistics you check. Furthermore, four out of five people will experience lower back pain. This much pain is not necessary, real back pain relief is available now.

Back Pain Treatment

Back pain treatment can be a mystifying thing. People want back pain relief, and there are so many different kinds of back pain, and many different ways to treat each of them. Let’s look at a few of the possibilities.

FLOOD!! Water Everywhere

I walked into the place where I’m staying in Bali to find water all over the floor. It’s a friend’s apartment, so of course I wanted to get things cleaned up, I had a bit of experience with water damage when I was working construction. Let me tell you, it’s no fun. But, before I [...]

Self Adjusting Technique is a natural back pain relief technique that allows you to self-adjust many common misalignments. It is a series of gentle methods that work differently from standard chiropractic methods. Standard chiropractic methods involve a thrust. The bone is moved to the end of its range of movement and then thrust past that [...]

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