phone healing session

Energy Healing Phone Sessions The primary healing modality I use is called Applied Kinesiology. I also use nutrition, whole food supplements and nutriceuticals. There are also several methods that I have developed over the years. With all that, one technique I learned almost 20 years ago made a huge difference in the work I do.  Applied Kinesiology (AK) is [...]

Middle Back Pain

The middle back is the back area with ribs. That part of the spine is called is the thoracic spine. The thoracic spine consists of twelve vertebra that each have a connection with two ribs. There are two main structural issues that can cause middle back pain. The first is one or more vertebra being [...]

I Can’t Get Better

Do you find yourself saying “I can’t get better. No matter what I do I just don’t seem to heal from the health problems I have.” If so, the most common cause is being stuck in a state of fight or flight. What the Fight or Flight Response Does to Your Body When in fight/flight [...]

An article I wrote on hormone replacement therapy got some strong responses from women who thought I was wrong in denouncing hormone replacement therapy. However, recent government reports are supporting this view. Here is some of the biochemistry for why I think natural techniques are much better than HRT. The Body’s Chemical Balance The body [...]