30 Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

Edit: There are now over 50 symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue that you can have for free. There is also a free report for what you can do to help heal the issue. Click on the Adrenal Fatigue book to the left and get your symptoms today.

Do you feel tired all the time? Maybe you get plenty of sleep and just don’t feel rested. Or maybe you have trouble sleeping. Low energy? Difficulty thinking or focusing? These are all symptoms of adrenal fatigue. This article explores the adrenals and the causes of adrenal fatigue. Included is a simplified explanation of how diet affects the adrenals and some suggestions for what you can do to restore them, and you to health.

The 30 symptoms include, but are not limited to:
1. Excessive fatigue and exhaustion, chronic fatigue
2. Non-refreshing sleep
3. Sleep disturbance, insomnia
4. Feeling overwhelmed or unable to cope
5. Craving salty and/or sweet foods
6. Sensitivity to light
7. Low stamina and slow to recover from exercise
8. Slow to recover from injury or illness
9. Difficulty concentrating, brain fog
10. Poor digestion
11. Irritable bowel syndrome, IBS
12. Low immune function
13. Premenstrual syndrome
14. Menopause symptoms
15. Low blood pressure
16. Sensitivity to cold
17. Fearfulness
18. Allergies,
19. Frequent influenza
20. Arthritis
21. Anxiety
22. Irritability
23. Depression
24. Reduced memory
25. Low libido, sexual drive or interest
26. Lack of lust for life and/or food
27. Excess hunger
28. Low appetite
29. Panic/anxiety attacks
30. Irritability, impatience, quick to anger.
If quick to anger, the person will often tend to back down quickly if confronted.

Many of these symptoms have other causes, so just because you have one or more symptom doesn’t necessarily mean that you have adrenal fatigue. On the other hand, adrenal fatigue is so prevalent that if you have even one of these symptoms, it is likely that your are at least a bit run down.

Almost every client I have ever seen has come to me because of one or more of these symptoms. Stress is a major contributor to adrenal fatigue. We live in a busy world that offers little relief from stresses of life. Toxicity contributes to adrenal fatigue as well. But by far, adrenal fatigue is caused by a diet high in sugar and processed foods. And, the same dietary factors that contribute to adrenal fatigue are at the root of most of our major health issues today. Most major diseases start with the same factors as adrenal fatigue, and adrenal fatigue can lead to many serious conditions.

What are the adrenals?
The adrenals are two walnut sized glands that sit on top of the kidneys. They produce three different classes of hormones at the rate of about a quart (liter) a day. One class is stress hormones like adrenalin and cortisol also called hydrocortisone. Another class of adrenal hormones affect mineral metabolism especially the sodium/potassium balance. And, they produce sex hormones and their precursors. These hormones are some of the ones that make us feel good. They give us energy and a lust for life — and sex.

A simple test for adrenal fatigue
There are many tests for adrenal fatigue. Lab tests are expensive and take time for the results. However, there is a simple self-test that can be done with a flashlight and a mirror. Start in a darkened room so that your pupils dilate but have it light enough so that you can see your eyes in a mirror. Allow enough time in the dim room so that the pupils dilate fully, about ten minutes. Next, shine the flashlight into one of your eyes from the side so that the light causes the pupil to shrink down to a pin point. Do this in such a way that you can still watch the pupil as it reduces in size. If your adrenals are strong, the pupil will most likely shrink down immediately. If there is any hesitation before they react, then your adrenals are probably fatigued. I use the qualifier probably here because there are other reasons eyes may not react like this though they are not common.

Dietary causes of adrenal fatigue
As mentioned earlier, sugar and refined carbohydrates are the main cause of adrenal fatigue. Sugar includes honey, maple syrup, fructose, dried fruit, fruit juice and just about anything that is sweet. Refined carbohydrates are grains that have been ground up or have had the bran removed. This include products like bread even whole wheat bread, noodles, corn chips, white rice and pretty much anything that comes in a package. Refined foods are broken down by grinding and concentration. Refined grains have more surface area exposed to digestion, so they digest more quickly. They release their sugars quickly into the blood stream causing blood sugar to go up too high too fast.

The body responds to high blood sugar by releasing insulin. Insulin is a hormone that causes sugar to move into the liver, muscles and fat tissues. The problem is that the body evolutionarily isn’t designed to deal with the large amounts of sugar in the blood that are caused by sugar and refined foods. Evolution has designed us to eat animal protein, whole grains (not chopped up), vegetables and fruits. So, the body tends to overreact to this fast sugar by releasing too much insulin. This article is about the adrenals, but high blood sugar, high levels of insulin and constant exposure to stress hormones cause their own problems that will be covered in the future.

The release of too much insulin causes the blood sugar to go down too far. Most everyone has experienced getting sleepy after a large meal of pasta, rice or some other carbohydrate. Or, the drop in energy that follows a candy high. That’s what happens after the large release of insulin. The blood sugar goes down too far. The brain eats mostly sugar, so it gets sleepy from lack.

Now we get into the adrenal involvement. One of the stress hormones they release is cortisol. In ancient times stress meant that we had to fight or run away, the fight/flight response. The muscles that move quickly use sugar, and cortisol causes blood sugar to increase. There is also a cortisol release anytime there is low blood sugar. You know how you can be really hungry, then after awhile you aren’t so hungry anymore? That’s cortisol doing it’s job. The same thing happens when low blood sugar happens because of an over-release of insulin.

The adrenals are constantly being assailed by the above reactions. Processed foods and snacks are available all the time, and they are hard to resist. Our ancestors survived because they had a sweet tooth. They craved the sweet fruits that were available at the end of winter. Insulin caused that extra sugar to be stored as fat for the lean times of winter. The ones that didn’t desire sweet fruits didn’t survive, so we inherited that craving for sweets and other foods that turn into sugar. The problem is that we eat as though it is the end of summer all the time!

The adrenals are constantly being called on to produce more and more cortisol in response to the stress caused by sugar and processed food. Eventually they become exhausted. And, so does the indulger.

What you can do
The obvious thing to do is to stop eating sugar and refined foods. A lot of people will do great just by modifying their diet alone. There are lots of products on the market for treating the adrenals, but which ones really work? This is very individual, but I will give you some suggestions in part two.

Be well, and remember: the body wants to heal, all it needs is the opportunity.

Meet the Author


Hello and welcome to my blog! There are several reasons I decided to start writing a blog on natural self-healing. The main thing I want to do is to share information on health and healing so that people can take action to heal themselves using natural techniques. I have met so many people who couldn't afford natural health care. They may have had health insurance, but they didn't trust that model. Many people want to know how to be healthy naturally. They want to know what really works and what doesn't. They want to be health conscious and often fail because of poor information, lack of knowledge, bad science and other factors. This blog is intended to help demystify the body and its various functions and to help people understand what is really needed to obtain optimum health. One of the great things about knowledge of the body is that once you know and understand how it works it becomes easy to know what the right things to do for it. And, it is much easier to do the right things when the consequences of the wrong things are fully understood. To do this I will be drawing from the knowledge of many people that I have learned from. I will talk about biochemistry relating that to what is needed to obtain optimum health. There will be information about the physical structure of the body and how to keep that aligned and functioning well. A major part of yoga has to do with health, so information about yogic techniques will be included. Mental and emotional health are important for the health of the body/mind, so articles about these topics will be included. And, there will be an occasional article about me and what I am up to. Hopefully I can relate that back to some health issue as well. The title Self Adjusting Technique comes from my technique for self-adjusting the structural part of the body, that is adjusting the body's various vertebrae and joints. For this blog it will include the idea of how to adjust health issues for yourself and those you care about. With a little knowledge there is a lot people can do to help heal themselves and stay healthy. I want to explain complex information about the body in a way that is easy to understand and useful. The comments section will help in that goal as people can ask for clarification if there is something they don't understand. And maybe we can get some helpful input from people smarter than me that will benefit us all. I hope you find information that can help you with your health issues. Kalidasa

166 comments… add one
  • Annaliese Mar 14, 2011, 3:41 pm

    I would like to share my experiences with you and your readers, just in case it might help somebody out there.
    Over the past 15 years, I have been suffering the following problems:
    – irregular periods
    – fibrocystic disease
    – gluten & dairy intolerance
    – alternating diarrhoea/constipation
    – foul smelling stool
    – teenage & adult acne
    In January I went to ER due to a rapid heart rate. When I was 7 I had SVT which is a heart arrhythmia causing beats up to 240 bpm. This electrical problem in my heart was fixed by destroying the nerves responsible for the problem.
    The fast heart beat of 120bpm that I experienced at the start of the year was different. My cardiologist confirmed that it was a normal sinus heart beat, but just fast.
    In the meantime I went to a naturopath who specialises in hormone issues and fertility. She ran a large number of tests from my urine and saliva samples. It turned out my adrenal glands are struggling and producing very little cortisol. As a result of this all my hormones were out of balance which explained all the problems I’d been experiencing since teenagehood incl fibrocystic disease, irregular periods, adult acne. She also noticed that my thyroid was slightly overactive – hyperthyroid. She believes it is because of the fatigued adrenals. I have been taking a regime of vitamins, minerals and herbs to support my adrenal glands. The rationale is fix my adrenal glands and all the other issues in the process.

    Since the episode in the hospital in jan, I have taken all sugar, coffee and alcohol out. I eat meat, limited complex carbs and more veggies.
    I have been taking supplements for 3 weeks. I sleep or remain in bed til 9am. I eat upon rising and I’m careful to eat before 12 and snack around 2:30pm. I eat dinner at 7 which I’ve reduced in portion size and I’m in bed by 9:30.
    My heart rate sits high still but it’s mostly on 80 to 96bpm. I have measured it at 72 & 76 bpm quite a few times which I think is a positive sign. I still wake up overheating and with a faster heart rate at night(normally at 3am), but I also think this is reducing in severity.

    My acne has disappeared and in the last few days my INS symptoms have gone away and my stools are normal.
    I suffer from irrational anger and frustration and it causes a lot of stress for my fiancé. The number of outbursts are reducing, but it’s still very much there. I have read anger is a symptom of adrenal fatigue and of hyperthyroidism so I’m hoping this too will go away in time.

    Good luck everyone with your treatments and I will be in touch further down the road…

  • Kalidasa Mar 14, 2011, 6:36 pm

    I’m really glad to hear that you are taking better care of yourself. I hope it continues!

    Anger is a symptom of adrenal fatigue. It also has to do with brain chemistry, which is affected by adrenal fatigue. So are the Chron disease symptoms — alternating constipation and diarrhea.

  • Gregg Oct 29, 2011, 3:28 pm

    The article says: “There are lots of products on the market for treating the adrenals, but which ones really work? This is very individual, but I will give you some suggestions in part two.”

    But where is Part Two… I have looked all over the website… Is it not written yet??


  • Kalidasa Oct 30, 2011, 2:16 pm

    @Gregg, Apologies for not indicating part 2. There are a couple of articles with good protocols, and a book I wrote a year or so ago. The book is here: http://selfadjustingtechnique.com/my-books/adrenal-fatigue-book/ and a protocol I really like is here: http://selfadjustingtechnique.com/adrenal-fatigue-herbs-and-supplements/

  • Carl Dec 3, 2011, 4:00 am

    HI, thanks for the symptoms of the adrenal fatigue, i think my mom mite have adrenal fatigue, i understand that in this article it stated that you had more than one or more clients with symtoms, but do you think if my mom has 21/30 symptom she has adrenal fatigue?

  • Whitney Trotman Dec 4, 2011, 9:39 pm

    I suffer from at least 20 of the 30 symptoms listed. I have been told I am just going through menopause and those feeling are normal. I have many friends my age that are also going through some stage of menopause and while they may have 3 or 4 of those symptoms they have said that I shouldn’t be suffering as much as I am. I am in a living situation where I am in constant stress and that of course makes things worse. I can’t say that I am suicidal because you can’t talk like these days but I am very scared, sick and have lost hope. I appreciate your short video and article about an illness that I know I am suffering from and that for some reason is not acknowledged by the western medical community. I am going to check out your book and protocol and see how it goes. Thank you.

  • Kalidasa Dec 5, 2011, 2:14 pm

    @Carl The only definitive test is done in a lab. But, with that many symptoms I’d bet on adrenal fatigue.

  • Need help Dec 24, 2011, 10:51 pm

    How do you distinguish between thyroid problems, namely hypothyroidism and adrenal exhaustion? So many of the symptoms are the same. It has taken over two years to regulate my meds and every month I do blood tests and just hope my levels have level led off. What specific blood tests need to be done?
    Thanks for your help.

  • Kalidasa Dec 25, 2011, 8:22 am

    @Need help Adrenal fatigue always brings the thyroid down, a standard physiological reaction. (Extreme circumstances could cause something different.) When I get a client with thyroid issues I treat the adrenals first. The thyroid usually comes back with that. If not then we go for the thyroid. On occasion thyroid drugs are necessary.

    The blood test for the thyroid is an indirect test which checks for the hormone that tells the thyroid to produce hormone – thyroid stimulating hormone. The best test for both thyroid and adrenals is a saliva test done several times through a day. Thyroid tests needs to include T4, the hormone that leaves the thyroid and T3 the hormone that actually does the job.

    Conversion from T4 to T3 is by an enzyme that is selenium dependent. Selenium is one of the top deficiencies in people today as the soil has been mostly depleted. That is the first thing I check for when treating the thyroid.

  • Kalidasa Dec 25, 2011, 8:25 am

    @Whitney Trotman Menopause symptoms may be common, but they are not normal. Before processed foods women had NO symptoms at all, bleeding just stopped. Treating the adrenals is the best way to deal with symptoms though there are herbs that can make change things quickly.

  • Kalidasa Dec 25, 2011, 8:30 am

    @Carl I find that most people have adrenal fatigue in general unless they have a very good diet and little to no stress in their lives. Hard to do in this modern world. There are simple tests she can do that will give a good indication. Here is one adrenal fatigue test that is very easy, and another adrenal fatigue test that requires a little skill at finding the right point to test.

  • susie dove Dec 29, 2011, 10:07 am

    i too have had a combination of symptoms between adrenal fatigue &
    Hypothyroidism. My doctor always tests my thyroid first & the blood work comes back either low or low/normal. My complaint is my appetite..I’m hungry, but nauseas & just can’t eat normally. My core is jittery & tense, occasional heart palpitations. Should I go to a endo doctor to get more through care?

  • Kalidasa Dec 29, 2011, 1:40 pm

    @susie dove The thyroid goes down automatically when the adrenals are low — unless something uncommon is up. The digestion issues are more likely related to fight or flight issues.

  • Melissa Dec 31, 2011, 10:01 am

    I have been experiencing re-occurring adrenal fatigue and thyroid issues over the year. I am chronically exhausted. I was taking some products by Genestra, (Hypo-gen and HTHY) which deal with assisting the endocrine system and I’m also taking kelp.

    I started taking treatment for 3 months, then felt much better, and I had lots of energy up until September, when it all began to crash again. (It was also a stressful time)

    I started treatment once again this month and Ive started reducing sugar and eating better, also started drinking nettle tea as I’ve read its great for adrenals. How long does it typically take to heal the adrenals?

  • Kalidasa Dec 31, 2011, 12:22 pm

    @Melissa Depends on age and general health. Diet must be perfect, absolutely no processed foods ie.sugar of any kind except stevia, and no ground up grains. Can take just a couple of weeks with all the supplements and herbs I recommend in my book, up to two or three months if very ill and elderly. Other issues can complicate things further too.

  • dudley Jan 4, 2012, 9:52 am

    I have done a saliva test and twice it has shown low cortisol.
    I am seeing a Dr peatfield in the UK, he has recommended taking physiological doses of cortisol. I am very reluctant to take this as i got ill 4 years ago from taking cipro antibiotics ( google cipro poisoning ,unbelievable) one of my worst symptoms is derealisation, this came on while taking cipro. This is a feeling that my surroundings seem unreal and detached. Have you heard of this at all?
    I eat a fully organic diet but just recently have been taking manuka honey for a throat infection.
    Can yo give me any advice please as this unreality thing is driving me crazy.


  • Tina Jan 5, 2012, 9:19 am

    I’ve had a TSH of 0.34-0.41 over the past 3 months; T3(free) =3.4; T4(free) = 1.2 DHEA-S=212.1; Testosterone(free)=32.5; TSI (TSH antibody receptors)=88; TBI(TSH antibody receptor)=<1.0. I had the saliva test done in October 2011 and it was high at 12pm, 6pm and 11pm, but not in the morning. I had an MRI of my pituitary done and it came back "normal". I had all the above thyroid tests done and they all came back "within normal range". I've had an EKG and Stress Tests on the hear done and it all came back "normal". But I consistantly (over the past 3 months following my total hysterectomy) have had heart palpitations and a higher than normal (for me) pulse in the 80's (I was normally at the low 70's range before the hysterectomy). My doctor, before the surgery told me I have Adrenal Fatigue. She game me some herbs and vitamin/mineral suppliments and I was fine until I had the hysterectomy! Now the palps, chronic nasal congestion, tremors and "lump" feeling in my throat won't seem to leave. These were starting to subside over the past 2 weeks or so but then I used an OTC nasal decongestant yesterday morning and it's all back as of yesterday evening. I've been taking magnesium citrate 400-600mg daily, fish oil=600mg daily, evening primrose oil=1300mg daily, a probiotic=+25 billion and vitamin D3=1000IU twice a week. Can someone PLEASE tell me their thoughts on what is happening to me??? I've seen like 17 different doctors and none of them (except for the Endo at the Cleveland Clinic who is at least talking to me and running the tests beyond the thyroid) can seem to tell me what the REAL CORE ISSUE is that's causing my problems. PLEASE HELP!!!

  • Alyssa Jan 5, 2012, 9:19 am

    I started to get panic attacks after my second child. Everyone told me that I had anxiety issues and I should take medication for it. But I knew I didnt want to be on anxiety medication my whole life so I changed my diet drastically, and started taking natural supplements, and even lost 30 lbs. After that I didnt get the panic attacks, but I came to realize that I would get them when I would slack off on my diet. I’m a worrier and I constantly stress about everything, I just had my third child and I’ve been getting panic attacks again, I’ve been feeling very exshausted, even though I sleep I dont feel refreshed, I;ve become very irritable, I cant concentrate and I have trouble remembering the simplest things. I’m aware that all of that could be caused by stress.. but I’m constantly craving sugar.. I need to have it. I’ve also gained weight and feel the need to eat all the time especially at night. My skin has also become very sensitive… a simple scratch and my skin swells up, dizziness. Sometimes I’m super sensitive to cold then other times I get hot flashes. What would you recommend I start doing?

  • Michele Jan 12, 2012, 5:54 pm

    I have adrenal Fatigue, I have no insurance for another few months and I was hoping someone would be able to help with ideas on what I should eat and or drink to help heal.

  • Kalidasa Jan 12, 2012, 6:14 pm

    @ dudley Derealisation could be from adrenal fatigue, but there are other things that can cause it. Any sugar at all, even honey, will contribute to exhausting the adrenal glands.

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