
Today’s post is from guest writer Thomas Calkins of http://www.builtfit.com. Back pain is one of the most common causes of missed time at work or from training. Due to the unique nature of the spine and its load bearing capacity, injury to the spine or muscles connected to it can be debilitating. The complex nature [...]

Today I got an email asking about a particular point of view that is held by some schools of chiropractic thought. Let me have the writer pose the question. “Hey Kalidasa, Thank you for the fast response. You seem like a very knowledgeable person. I was curious to see what you thought about what my [...]

I just got this great testimonial from John that I’d like to share with you today.    “Kalidasa, Today I woke up with no pain in my lower back, and only a bit of tightening during the day. I was pain-free all day for the first time in a year – an overnight success, literally. [...]

Lower back pain is a widespread ailment that affects millions of people worldwide.  Just about everyone has some incident of lower back pain at some time in his or her life.  According to the National Institutes of Health, the only thing more common than back pain is the headache. There are many causes of lower [...]

Since my post on how to adjust the collarbone people have mentioned that they have trouble with the video due to slow internet connection. So, I wrote this more detailed explanation so that you don’t need the video. You can go here if you’d rather watch the video.  Many people suffer from back pain every year. Millions are spent [...]

Lower back pain is a widespread ailment that affects millions of people worldwide.  Just about everyone has some incident of lower back pain at some time in his or her life.  According to the National Institutes of Health, the only thing more common than back pain is the headache.     There are many causes [...]

Self Adjusting Technique is a natural back pain relief technique that allows you to self-adjust many common misalignments. It is a series of gentle methods that work differently from standard chiropractic methods. Standard chiropractic methods involve a thrust. The bone is moved to the end of its range of movement and then thrust past that [...]

How to Do a Psoas Release

Image via WikipediaOne of the other main causes of lower back pain is a tight psoas muscle. It is the deepest muscle in the body. It attaches to the inside of the spine on the vertebrae of the lower back. It comes together as it moves through the belly towards the hip points on either [...]

There was a recent article in the news about how artificial sugars don’t work for as a diet aid. Forget that the artificial ones are deadly toxic and practically guaranteed to kill you, but now the thing they are designed for, reducing calories, doesn’t actually happen. Here’s the story. When you taste sweet your body [...]

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