Liver Support

I have a long term debate going on with myself about which organ is the most important for great health; the liver or the intestines. Let’s look at the liver today.

The liver has over 300 known functions. It is the primary organ for eliminating toxins that come from the air and food we eat as well as the metabolic byproducts our body produces. Modern toxins are also filtered and detoxified, so it is even more important than it was for the first several million years of its evolution.

Since modern people eat so poorly the liver takes a huge hit losing function, becoming fatty and worse. There are so many problems that develop from a poorly functioning liver that I wouldn’t even try to list them all. For example, many types of cancer are caused from it not working right and many digestion problems stem from it. Energy is affected, mental acuteness, depression and many other conditions can be traced to the liver not being able to do its job correctly.

What you can do about this problem is to start eating better. We all know the things we really need to avoid; sugar and processed foods like, well anything made from ground up grains. Stop smoking, eating excess fatty foods, using plastics etc. Do exercise, drink filtered water, avoid drugs and alcohol, and eat plenty of vegetables, preferably organic.

I treat my liver extremely well. I plan on living a very long life and remaining active at least well into my 90’s. I do this with the above advice and more. The one other thing I do is take supplements and herbs that help the liver. I used to take so many things that you wouldn’t believe. Now though, I take only a couple including something like this great product I found called Liver Support Plus.

Liver Support Plus works so well because of the herbs in it that work so much better when they are combined with each other. You could do well to just take one of the herbs it contains, but the combination is a lot greater than the parts.

If you want to know specifically about how your liver is doing, and maybe some specific nutrients that aren’t available online, then you can contact me to set up a phone session. Together we can find a great program for your particular needs. Otherwise, I highly recommend taking something that will give you great overall liver support. 

Eat right, exercise, avoid the things you know you should, and take a great liver support supplement, and you are insured of a much longer and more healthy life than those who don’t.



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Meet the Author


Hello and welcome to my blog! There are several reasons I decided to start writing a blog on natural self-healing. The main thing I want to do is to share information on health and healing so that people can take action to heal themselves using natural techniques. I have met so many people who couldn't afford natural health care. They may have had health insurance, but they didn't trust that model. Many people want to know how to be healthy naturally. They want to know what really works and what doesn't. They want to be health conscious and often fail because of poor information, lack of knowledge, bad science and other factors. This blog is intended to help demystify the body and its various functions and to help people understand what is really needed to obtain optimum health. One of the great things about knowledge of the body is that once you know and understand how it works it becomes easy to know what the right things to do for it. And, it is much easier to do the right things when the consequences of the wrong things are fully understood. To do this I will be drawing from the knowledge of many people that I have learned from. I will talk about biochemistry relating that to what is needed to obtain optimum health. There will be information about the physical structure of the body and how to keep that aligned and functioning well. A major part of yoga has to do with health, so information about yogic techniques will be included. Mental and emotional health are important for the health of the body/mind, so articles about these topics will be included. And, there will be an occasional article about me and what I am up to. Hopefully I can relate that back to some health issue as well. The title Self Adjusting Technique comes from my technique for self-adjusting the structural part of the body, that is adjusting the body's various vertebrae and joints. For this blog it will include the idea of how to adjust health issues for yourself and those you care about. With a little knowledge there is a lot people can do to help heal themselves and stay healthy. I want to explain complex information about the body in a way that is easy to understand and useful. The comments section will help in that goal as people can ask for clarification if there is something they don't understand. And maybe we can get some helpful input from people smarter than me that will benefit us all. I hope you find information that can help you with your health issues. Kalidasa

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