
My Books

Currently I have two books for sale. While I would love for everyone to buy them, you really might want to check out the free stuff on the right first. The answers you are looking for could well be there. If you know that you need a simple adjustment you can learn about Self Adjusting [...]

So what did I do? I tried to look up the internet to learn more about what my problem. I stumble onto your website. I also found you on youtube and your sample video on how to realign the ribs. That was very important.

Junk Food Almost Killed Me

Another email came in today from someone happy to find information about adrenal fatigue. She was looking for something for her husband because he was having so many problems — 35 of the 50 symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

Self Adjusting Technique Tools A lot of questions come in about where to get the Thera Cane massage tool for doing massage and adjustments on the ribs in the back. So, I though I’d make this page with my new favorite self massage too. Get yourself one now at a great price! And, it makes a great gift [...]

Healing Back Pain For Free

There is a lot you can learn about healing back pain for free. For example, there are a lot of healing articles on this site with a lot of information that is free. Here’s someone who found some big help for his particular issue. He found it when he got a massage, but found out [...]

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy is one of the best methods of reducing or eliminating body aches and pains that I know of. In fact, I can get just about anyone out of pain with a combination of trigger point therapy and my gentle adjusting methods. Let’s explore what trigger points are and how to eliminate them. [...]

A few years ago I gave up my practice in Berkeley to do something completely different after my kids grew up. But, I remember those times well. Right now I would be receiving a large order of adrenal supplements and herbs. It’s that time of year again! Here are some suggestions to help you get [...]

A lot of questions come in all the time about what to do for adrenal fatigue. There is one article on adrenal fatigue supplements and herbs the site already with a good protocol that I used with a lot of success. It works better for some people, but most do as well or better with this protocol. [...]

How To Find What Ails You

Quite a few questions come in from people who have some intense issue with varying symptoms. There is one thing that I can recommend to almost everyone as a way of finding their way back to health: find out what food you are sensitive to. Here’s how you figure that out. Find The Problem The [...]

Sugar Causes Heart Disease

There is a lot of misinformation out about what causes heart disease. Fat and cholesterol are still supposed to be the big bad guys while studies prove that is not the case. While certain other dietary factors do contribute, sugar and processed foods are the initiators of coronary heart disease. Here’s what junk food does [...]

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