back pain treatment

Back Pain Heart Treatment

This article on lower back pain that is caused by a broken heart discusses one way that lower back pain is related to a heart issue. This is called a cardiac back which is usually caused by a broken heart like a break up or the death of a loved one. However, it can also [...]

Back Pain Relief Radio Show

Today I will be live on a web radio show talking about back pain relief. This is my first such show, I hope it goes well. Well for me means not making any technical mistakes that could affect the show. Since it’s my first, I made it short, only 30 minutes. If there is a [...]

There are many available methods for back pain treatment. Some are better than others. Many conventional treatments for back pain can have devastating side effects. Natural back pain relief can be safer, more economical and more effective than “traditional” methods.

Here are some common methods for natural back pain relief:

Lower back pain is a widespread ailment that affects millions of people worldwide. Just about everyone has some incident of lower back pain at some time in his or her life. According to the National Institutes of Health, the only thing more common than back pain is the headache.

Back Pain Treatment

Back pain treatment can be a mystifying thing. People want back pain relief, and there are so many different kinds of back pain, and many different ways to treat each of them. Let’s look at a few of the possibilities.

Lower back pain is a widespread ailment that affects millions of people worldwide.  Just about everyone has some incident of lower back pain at some time in his or her life.  According to the National Institutes of Health, the only thing more common than back pain is the headache.     There are many causes [...]

Lower back pain is one of the most debilitating physical issues that can be experienced. It can be so bad as to make it impossible to even walk. People often learn to live with the pain. In the morning they get up moving slowly until the stiffness gets worked out. They learn to be careful [...]