Back Pain

Back Pain Heart Treatment

This article on lower back pain that is caused by a broken heart discusses one way that lower back pain is related to a heart issue. This is called a cardiac back which is usually caused by a broken heart like a break up or the death of a loved one. However, it can also [...]

There are several reasons your ribs might be in pain. If you had an accident that caused them to be struck then you could have a cracked or broken rib. Or, there could be a simple bruise or pulled muscle. However, the most common cause of rib pain is when one or more are out [...]

Lower back pain is the most common back pain complaint there is. There are many different causes of lower back pain, but one stands out as the most common, perhaps more that 80 percent of the time. Adrenal fatigue affects almost everyone at some point in their life, and as they get older it often [...]

Back Problems

There are many different types of back problems. This article looks at some of the different types and what can be done about them. The most common back pain issue that people have is lower back pain. This is almost always caused by adrenal fatigue. You can learn about that connection in this lower back [...]

Neck and Upper Back Pain

A common and very uncomfortable neck problem happens when the neck and upper back ribs go out of alignment at the same time. It is also very difficult to fix, even for me with years of experience. But, it is not impossible, even when self treating. This video discusses the problem and what it takes [...]

Middle Back Pain

The middle back is the back area with ribs. That part of the spine is called is the thoracic spine. The thoracic spine consists of twelve vertebra that each have a connection with two ribs. There are two main structural issues that can cause middle back pain. The first is one or more vertebra being [...]


Sciatica is a very common back pain complaint. The pain can be moderate to very intense. Fortunately, there are some holistic treatments that can really help. The most common cause of sciatica is the sciatic nerve being squeezed by the piriformis muscle. This can’t happen to everyone because the sciatic nerve does not pass through [...]

Upper Back Pain Relief

One thing that most people don’t realize about upper back pain is that what people experience as knots at the top of the shoulders are almost always caused by one or more ribs being out of alignment. What happens is that when a rib goes out of alignment which causes the muscles in the area [...]

Hot or Cold for Back Pain?

A question a lot of people have about back pain injuries is whether to use hot or cold to treat it. A very good question to ask since there are a couple of factors to consider. Lets look at when to use hot or cold for back pain, and what each do to help Most [...]

Lower back pain is so common today as to be staggering. There are several possible causes, but one stands out as the most common. Lets look at some common causes of lower back pain and what treatment they require. One way to think about lower back pain is that the body has something wrong with [...]

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